Established in 1958 and managed by the founder and his immediate family ever since, HIDROCOM was the first firm in Italy to manufacture and distribute hydraulic cranes, and PRODUCTION LOADERS for handling "TIMBER" and "RECYCLING" materials thereafter. HIDROCOM is leader on the Italian market, offering a complete range of professional forestry and industrial equipments: machines designed to improve the operator's working conditions (Operator safety and comfort are of primary importance) and to satisfy customers' requirements regarding speed, efficiency and long service life; machines that are always up-to-date thanks to their exclusive design and costruction, HIDROCOM's experience behind them to aswer for their top quality - we would welcome the development of lasting co-operative business relation with foreign firms interested in selling their products in Italy. |
Il fondatore della HIDROCOM nel 1958 costruisce in Italia la prima gru idraulica ripiegabile per camion e registra il brevetto: è il modello 190 che trova subito successo per il carico/scarico tronchi; poi introduce sul mercato e sempre per primo, i moderni "Caricatori forestali". La 190 del 1958 è esposta nella sede HIDROCOM srl. E oggi i discendenti del fondatore propongono agli operatori forestali e come illustrato in questo sito, le migliori "Macchine per forestazione ed esbosco", razionali "Sistemi per movimentare il legname su strada sino alla segheria", professionali "Caricatori per legname e riciclabili" per utilizzo Heavy Duty. THE FIRST TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC LOADER CRANE FOR USE IN FORESTRY |
Back in 1958 Hidrocom's founder built and patented in Italy the first foldable hydraulic loader crane for trucks. The first model was the 190 that soon became the must-have tool for handling and trasporting logs. Later on, the company's founder launched a series of modern timber loaders. During the years to come the heirs of the founder picked up and continued this tradition of development with the same passion and skills. The old-timer model 190 from 1958 is, however still showcased at the premises of Hidrocom srl. Today we provide the market with a versatile range of machines for rational forestry and logging operations - such as "Logging and Harvesting Equipment". "Trasport Systems" for moving timber on roads, from logging sites to sawmills, as well as heavy-duty loader cranes for "Logging and Recycling Applications". |
HIDROCOM srl • Via Milano, 2 - 20050 Liscate - MI - Italy • Tel. +39 0295351316 • Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. • |